An Archive of Past Event Listings

MAY 1: International Workers' Day

2pm - Civic Center, 3rd and B, downtown San Diego
3:30pm - march to Chicano Park
5pm - rally Chicano Park
Click here for more info.

MAY 2: Jeremy Scahill in San Diego

7-9 pm, Hoover High School Auditorium

4474 El Cajon Blvd, San Diego

His new book, Dirty Wars, will be available for sale.

Admission free - donations welcome

Click here for more info.

Jeremy Scahill will be speaking in San Diego on Thursday, May 2

7-9 pm, Hoover High School Auditorium

4474 El Cajon Blvd, San Diego, CA

His new book, Dirty Wars, will be released April 23, 2013 and will be available for sale at the program.

Admission free - donations welcome

More info: email

Jeremy Scahill's new book, Dirty Wars, will be available for sale at the May 2 program.

In his new book, Dirty Wars, Jeremy Scahill, author of the New York Times best-seller Blackwater, takes us inside America’s new covert wars. The foot soldiers in these battles operate globally and inside the United States with orders from the White House to do whatever is necessary to hunt down, capture or kill individuals designated by the president as enemies. Drawn from the ranks of the Navy SEALs, Delta Force, former Blackwater and other private security contractors, the CIA’s Special Activities Division and the Joint Special Operations Command ( JSOC), these elite soldiers operate worldwide, with thousands of secret commandos working in more than one hundred countries. Funded through “black budgets,” Special Operations Forces conduct missions in denied areas, engage in targeted killings, snatch and grab individuals and direct drone, AC-130 and cruise missile strikes. While the Bush administration deployed these ghost militias, President Barack Obama has expanded their operations and given them new scope and legitimacy.

Dirty Wars follows the consequences of the declaration that “the world is a battlefield,” as Scahill uncovers the most important foreign policy story of our time. From Afghanistan to Yemen, Somalia and beyond, Scahill reports from the frontlines in this high-stakes investigation and explores the depths of America’s global killing machine. He goes beneath the surface of these covert wars, conducted in the shadows, outside the range of the press, without effective congressional oversight or public debate. And, based on unprecedented access, Scahill tells the chilling story of an American citizen marked for assassination by his own government.

As US leaders draw the country deeper into conflicts across the globe, setting the world stage for enormous destabilization and blowback, Americans are not only at greater risk—we are changing as a nation. Scahill unmasks the shadow warriors who prosecute these secret wars and puts a human face on the casualties of unaccountable violence that is now official policy: victims of night raids, secret prisons, cruise missile attacks and drone strikes, and whole classes of people branded as “suspected militants.” Through his brave reporting, Scahill exposes the true nature of the dirty wars the United States government struggles to keep hidden.

April 4-7, 2013

National Anti-Drone Days of Action

San Diego CA, April 4-7, 2013


Follow us on Twitter @sdcpj #dronediego
or Facebook

Livestreaming (sites vary depending on event):


April 4 - Thursday

3-6 pm - San Diego Veterans for Peace demonstration at General Atomics Predator drones production site. Assemble at General Atomics Way and Kirkham Way, Poway. More info: email Dave Patterson or phone 760.207.9139
Parking: There is no parking on any side streets in the vicinity of this demonstration. Parking at local businesses is without permission and you do so at your own risk. There is posted parking at scattered businesses North of Scripps Poway Parkway, from Stowe to General Atomics Way. One half mile West of the bannering point is Costco and Home Depot. This point is 1.5 miles from the demo start point, however we will have limited shuttle service from the Costco, Home Depot area to the start point until 3PM. This service will be slow and limited, so allow plenty of time to catch a ride. On the day of the demo. call 760.207.9139 for information on how to catch a ride. We recommend that the participants carpool and drop off the passengers at the demo. start point leaving ample time for the driver to find parking and secure a ride back.

7-8 pm - Overpass Light Brigade, Clairemont Drive bridge over the I-5. Volunteers are needed to hold letters. More info: email Chris, or OLB Facebook event

Parking: Mission Bay Visitors Center, west of Clairemont Drive overpass.

April 5 - Friday

8 am - Protest at home of Neal Blue, General Atomics CEO, 9756 La Jolla Farms Road, La Jolla, CA. Coordinated by CodePink. More info: email Nancy or phone 415-235-6517

10 am - Rally at General Atomics Headquarters 3500 General Atomics Court (off John Jay Hopkins Drive), La Jolla 92121. Coordinated by CodePink. More info: email Peace Resource Center

4-6 pm - Demonstration and bannering at Northrop Grumman, 9326 Spectrum Center Blvd. and Ruffin Road, San Diego 92123. Please wear black! coordinated by CodePink More info: email Peace Resource Center

6:30-9:30 pm - Assembly with dinner, socializing, and more. Location: SE La Jolla. More info or to RSVP: email Martha Sullivan or phone 858-945-6273.
Details: Vegan food from Loving Hut (Clairemont Mesa) will be provided free. Donations accepted.

7-8 pm - Overpass Light Brigade, Clairemont Drive bridge over the I-5. Volunteers are needed to hold letters. More info: email Chris, or OLB Facebook event

Parking: Mission Bay Visitors Center, west of Clairemont Drive overpass.

April 6 - Saturday

1-3 pm - Join us at the Midway Aircraft Carrier Museum (Harbor Drive south of Broadway, downtown San Diego) for a demonstration. Please wear black. Coordinated by Women Occupy; More info: email Martha Sullivan or phone 858-945-6273.
Details: On the grass between the U.S.S. Midway War Museum and Harbor Blvd, south of Broadway. Performances by the Occupellas (Women Occupy SD acapella chorus) and Vibe, a socially-conscious youth hip hop/rap band, with speakers, and highlighting the names of 178 children/youth documented to have been killed by U.S. drone strikes. Please wear black.

3-6 pm - New: Video showing - Alternate Focus drone videos. Church of the Brethren, 3850 Westgate Pl., San Diego 92105. More info: email Peace Resource Center

6 pm, dinner; 7-9 pm forum - Forum with Medea Benjamin (CodePink), Pedro Rios (AFSC San Diego), and others. Church of the Brethren, 3850 Westgate Pl., San Diego 92105. More info: email Peace Resource Center
Details: Palestinian cuisine (some vegan) generously provided by Haritna Restaurant (La Mesa) available at no cost. Donations accepted.

7:15-8:15 pm - Overpass Light Brigade at Forum site. More info: email Chris, or OLB Facebook event

April 7 - Sunday (ending by 3 p.m.)

9:30 am - 3 pm - General Assembly and Workshops, Centro Cultural de la Raza, 2004 Park Blvd., San Diego 92101.
For Sunday assembly and workshop details, click here
More info: email Peace Resource Center


Participant Guidelines - from the Drone Diego Coordinating Committee (host committee)

These four days are comprised of multiple events, each event coordinated by different organizations.

We are protesting nonviolently. We ask you to be open and respectful to all and to not use physical or verbal violence against those who disagree with us. We ask that there be no property destruction or damage during the protests that are part of these four days of action.

We ask that you respect the wishes of the organizers of the individual events. If you are not in agreement with the particular event tactics or organizers, we invite you to hold a protest of your choosing at a different time.


National Call

The Drone Diego Coordinating Committee invites organizations and individuals to come to San Diego on April 4-7, as we protest and bring attention to the dangers drones present to the people of the world. Join us for nonviolent actions, workshops, street theater and more, or organize your own activities.

Our opposition to drone warfare is based on our stand for peace and justice. We believe that:

Armed drones are weapons of terror. They kill combatants and civilians, children and adults, men and women, alike. Their presence overhead terrorizes entire communities.

Extrajudicial assassinations by killer drones violate U. S. and international law.

Surveillance drones threaten our liberties, spying on communities and borders, invading our personal privacy.

Drones make our families less secure by making it easier for military and paramilitary agencies (like the CIA) to continue endless war without limits in either space or time.

Why come to San Diego? San Diego is the drone production capital of the world. San Diego is home to General Atomics, builders of the killer Predator and Reaper drones (which may be armed with Hellfire missiles), and Northrop Grumman, maker of the Global Hawk surveillance drone. Surveillance drones also regularly fly along the border between San Diego and Mexico.

A strong presence in San Diego will draw attention locally and nationally to the hazards posed by these robotic killers and spy craft. We hope that this will be the first of many actions in San Diego

Of course not everyone has the resources to come to San Diego. We encourage those who cannot come to make April 4-7 days of action against drones in their own communities.

Kickoff day is Thursday, April 4, with a demonstration at the General Atomics drone production facility in Poway, just north of San Diego. The San Diego chapter of Veterans for Peace is holding a weekly vigil there and we will join them.

We invite other organizations to develop workshops, forums and actions during the four days of action. If you or your organization would like to plan an event, please contact our host committee so we can provide information about locations, venues, and schedule coordination. We also welcome sponsoring organizations (which provide financial or organizational resources) and endorsing organizations (which express their public agreement with our goals) to contact the host committee.

Our host committee will work to provide housing in San Diego for activists who need it. We are also working to establish an encampment, with more details to follow.

For more info about the National Days Against Drones Actions in San Diego, or if your organization would like to become a sponsor or endorser, please contact SDCPJ, PRC, or Veterans for Peace. We can also be found on the web here and on Facebook

Tax-deductible donations to support this action can be made online through the Peace Resource Center of San Diego , Scroll down to Donate and specify anti-drone action from the drop-down list.

Drone Diego Coordinating Committee

December 15, 2012

Sponsoring/Endorsing organizations: Peace Resource Center of San Diego, San Diego Veterans for Peace, San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice, CODEPINK, Global Exchange, United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC), Canvass for a Cause, Af3irm, A Future Without, Committee Opposed to Militarism and the Draft (COMD), San Diego International Socialist Organization, SAME Alliance, Fresno Light Brigade, Peace Madera, Overpass Light Brigade San Diego, Alameda County Against Drones, ANSWER Coalition San Diego, Party for Socialism and Liberation San Diego, San Diego Libertarian Party, San Diego Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS), National Lawyers Guild San Diego, al Awda San Diego, Border Angels, Gente Unida, Activist San Diego, Environmentalists Against War, International Action Center San Diego, Women Occupy San Diego, Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace LA, Okupi Damsels in Distress Palm Springs, United Nations Association San Diego, Women's Equality Council UNA-SD, San Diego Faith Leaders for Peace, Democratic Socialists of America San Diego, Residents Organized for a Safe Environment (ROSE), Green Party San Diego, Officers of the Progressive Caucus of the California Democratic Party, Orange County Peace Coalition, Peace Fresno, War Resisters League West, Movement for a Democratic Society, Bay Area, San Diego Committee Against Police Brutality, Pacific Beach Democratic Club, San Diego First Church of the Brethren, Plan of Action in a Changing Era (PACE), People for Social Sustainability, Courage To Resist, American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), Haritna Restaurant La Mesa, Movement for a Democratic Society (MDS), Uhuru Solidarity San Diego, End the War Coalition Phoenix (CODEPINK, Veterans for Peace, AZ. Alliance for Peace and Justice, Progressive Democrats of America, Women In Black), Indian Voices.


Housing Available for Out-of-Town Activists!

Make your plans to come to Drone Diego and local activists will welcome you into our homes.

Don't delay! For housing info, contact Lynn:


To download a printable version of the call, click here.

To download the Drone Diego Coordinating Committee Mission Statement, click here.

To download printable flyer, click here.

October 20, 2012

October 20, 2012

Drone Warfare:

Killing by remote control

Presentation and book signing by

Medea Benajmin

Saturday, October 20, 2012, 3-5 pm

Peace Resource Center of San Diego
3850 Westgate Place
San Diego 92105

October 7, 2012

October 7, 2012

End the Wars at Home!
End the Wars Abroad!

Join with San Diego Veterans For Peace, Occupy San Diego, and the San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice on October 7, 2012. We will mark the 1st anniversary of Occupy San Diego and the 11th anniversary of the U.S. invasion and occupation of Afghanistan.

Sunday, October 7

Assemble at Freedom Plaza (Civic Center)
(3rd and B, Downtown San Diego)

10-11 am - join with Occupy San Diego, Veterans for Peace, San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice
11 am - prepare to march
11:30 am - march to Midway (Broadway and Harbor Drive)
12:30-1:30 pm - Speakout at Arlington West at the Midway

Bring the Troops Home from Afghanistan Now!
No War on Iran!
Money for Jobs, Healthcare, and Education, Not for War!

July 2-9, 2012

July 2-9, 2012

Protest the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)

The Trans-Pacific Partnership, TPP, a global "free-trade" deal being negotiated in secret between the U.S. and 8 other Pacific-rim nations, is “NAFTA on steroids”, putting the interests of giant corporations above those of working people. From July 2-10, the TPP will be meeting in San Diego. The Stop TPP coalition (which includes the San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice) has been formed to help stop this corporate power grab.

More information on the TPP is available from Public Citizen

Monday, July 2, 12 noon,
Hilton Bayfront (next to the Convention Center)

Join with the

San Diego Imperial Central Labor Council

for a press conference/protest rally,

Saturday, July 7, 10:30 am,
Asemble at Freedom Plaza (Civic Center)

11 am - March to the Hilton Bayfront for 12 noon rally

More information at